As they walked, Liley noticed many paintings of gardens
filled with lilies. Some of the paintings seemed filled with sunshine. They were painted in soft pastels accented
with a warm glow that seemed to surround the flowers. The other paintings seemed outright dismal. They were of
the same garden, but at night. The colors were harsh blacks and greys, accented with midnight blue and dusky red.
Liley began to walk around the garden,
when she noticed an isolated corner of the garden with a little stone bench. She slowly made her way toward it.
As she walked, her thoughts turned to John. I love John so much, she thought, and his mother does seem nice. They
both are acting a little oddly, but I suppose it's all in my head. Yet, his mother did seem hesitant upon first seeing
me; I hope I didn't make a bad impression in some way. I want so very much to please her and John. I'm probably
just letting my imagination get carried away. Her thoughts were interrupted once she reached the stone bench and
saw that it overlooked a heart shaped flower bed filled with lilies. How lovely, thought Liley. Oh, and there's
a plaque.
It says, "In Loving Memory."